Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ignore Ron Paul!!!

To mark the opening of his New Hampshire campaign headquarters, Ron Paul paid a visit to the Granite State this evening.  Though this event was posted only 48 hours ago, hundreds of supporters showed up to the office park where the HQ is located.  Expecting a much smaller crowd, the organizers were scrambaling to meet the BBQ caterers needs as well as parking for the throngs of supporters pouring in.  As one employee of the NH campaign told me when I asked him about the large and vociferous turnout, "This is a good problem.  I'm glad there are so many more than we expected."

This last weekend, Ron Paul was voted into a statistical tie with Michelle Bachman in the Iowa Straw poll, and basically ignored by the media.  As he said at the beginning of his speech this evening in Concord, "Right before we were supposed to go on or the evening before that (one of the network shows) called and said you've been canceled!"

I think that this is the spark that grassroots needs at this point in the campaign.  Until now, Dr. Paul, has been treated with the respect he deserves by the cable news shows, and that is not what his base is used to.  In '07 '08 he was treated like a leper on a merry go-round in the media, and as a result, his base support became rabid in their quest to get the name RON PAUL out there.  Now that he is back to being ignored for a huge victory in Iowa, the fire has been lit in the belly of grassroots supporters.  The turnout tonight shows that the base in New Hampshire is ready to knock on doors make phone calls.  There are an army of supporters ready to put in the time and effort to make this campaign a success.  So keep ignoring Ron Paul.  It only helps.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jon Stewart Defend Ron Paul!

This is a great analysis of the blatant ignoring of Ron Paul's tie for first place in the Iowa straw poll by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show last night.  I absolutely love this.  The ordinarily left leaning media is catching wind of this principled anti-war legislator's attempted burial.

Also, take a look at the great Glen Greenwalds write up of the straw poll and the coming circus.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Iowa Won!

In Saturday's straw poll in Iowa, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas was voted into a statistical tie for first place with Michelle Bachman.  The purpose of this poll is to figure out who the potential nominee for the Republican presidential candidate may be.   This is an absolutely astounding victory in Iowa for the most anti-war, pro-civil liberty, strait principled politician of all time. 
In spite of Paul's result, the two big stories are Bachman's (an Iowan) win and the seething simp Pawlenty dropping out.  Almost no mention of Pauls tie for first.  Several sources who traditionally may not agree with Ron Paul have picked up on this and come to the defense of the Congressman, like Politico, and the Huffington Post.

And this little gem put together from CNN clips does a fair job at pointing out the confusing mass ignoring of Ron Paul

I would like to know what it is about Ron Paul that causes the media as a whole to ignore his campaign and victories like the one in Iowa this past Saturday.  Is it his consistent and clear anti-war message of a non-interventionist foreign policy?  Is it his encyclopedic knowledge of the federal reserve and Americas fiat currency that makes him a terrible threat? 

If you have read any of my previous posts, you will get that I am no conspiracy theorist, but hot damn, whats going on?  It seems like maybe I should make myself a tinfoil hat, because something just aint right. 

Ron Pauls going to be in Concord NH this Wednesday, the 17th.  Come see him and help him open his New Hampshire Campaign office in style.